oktober 18, 2007

Venezuela når FN-mål

Venezuela avancerar.

The Venezuela government said Wednesday that it has met some of the benchmarks laid out in the United Nations’ Millennium Goals programme, which aims at reducing extreme poverty by half, much ahead of the 2015 deadline.

Planning Minister Jorge Giordani said, “Extreme poverty in Venezuela currently stands at 7.8 percent” of the population, down from 21 percent in 2002, Spanish news agency EFE reported Thursday.

Speaking at a press conference Wednesday, attended by a number of ministers as well, he said the figures show that Venezuela has reduced extreme poverty by more than 50 percent, eight years ahead of the target date.

Education Minister Adan Chavez said an existing illiteracy rate of just over four percent proves Venezuela has also met the goal of universal primary schooling.

“By 2008 we should have, if not everyone literate, all (illiterates) in the classroom environments” provided by the government’s literacy programme, the minister added, referring to an initiative that draws heavily on techniques developed in Cuba.

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Vad har hänt med sidan? Har du mindre tid nu att uppdatera? Det var synd för jag gillade din blogg.

Anonym sa...

Elliv, what do you think of the government not being able to cope with crime? The murder rate has more than doubled in 9 years and the minister of Interior and Justice (the eighth or ninth in that time) rejects appeals to sit down with the opposition and talk openly, live, about the crime statistics. The national government stopped sending murder related statistics to United Nations in 2002, now they try to obstruct any dissemination of statistics related to crime.
In 1998 literacy in Venezuela was around 93%. The government claims now it is 100%. Even Sweden has 99% literacy and Venezuela has now 100?
How to prove that when even the minister of Interior says the US American government is watching us via our TV sets and when the president of the country says in Alo Presidente he thinks the human species is 25 centuries old?
As for the millenium goals: how sustainable do you think these attainments are when we just export oil?
I hope you can allow others who do not like Chavez to write as you were allowed in other blogs from the opposition.

Anonym sa...

The funny thing is now the government says illiteracy it is less than 4%. Thus: they contradict themselves as they had said last year literacy was 100%.
Let's imagine the 4% illiteracy is true now. 3% from 1998 in spite of so many petrodollars?